With a trendy Manhattan location and absolutely breath taking views of the city, Yotel is a wonderfully chic hotel for any vacationer or tourist looking for a room. Guests can expect to be treated to modern, roomy accommodations, heart pounding sights, and a plethora of attractions that won’t fail to brighten any trip. When Yotel began their hunt for a new Executive Chef, The Alfus Group Team was on the case.

Its convenient location seats guests in close proximity to countless parks, theaters, bars, and restaurants. Don’t feel like stepping out for a bite to eat? Drop by Supernova, Yotel very own buffet-style restaurant; enjoy your meal alongside some of the most beautiful panoramic views of the city skyline. With dishes inspired by American comfort food, you are guaranteed to leave satisfied.

The Alfus Group is happy to announce that Yotel’s latest new Executive Chef started in June 2017. We are positive our qualified candidate will fulfill their role at Yotel with flying colors.